Thank you for any donation you can make to our house and to our brotherhood! Your participation in supporting the brotherhood and our Craigielea Educational Fund(CEF) is so important to ensuring the mission of the fund. All donations go to the Craigielea Educational Fund (CEF) a 501c(3) corporation since 1948.
The Craigielea Educational Fund Inc’s mission, since 1948, has been to supplement the work of Cornell in ways that relate to developing student scholarship and character; or promoting cultural, academic, and other endeavors among students and alumni; or to aid needy persons affiliated with Cornell or honorably discharged veterans.
Restoration of Craigielea and ensuring its quality of living for student’s cultural and academic development has been supported at Cornell for over half a century to ensure our house is attractive and a strong leader for decades to come. Participation by as many brothers as possible on an annual basis is the number one objective here.
There are 3 options for donating to support Chi Phi Cornell:
- Donating with a matching gift from your company – this method is preferred as it doubles your donation via your company! In order to ensure that your gift to Chi Phi qualifies under corporate matching, you must give through Cornell via giving website or check (click the button below to open Cornell’s giving page). To ensure your tax deductible donation helps Craigielea be sure to simply designate your donation to the Campaign for Craigielea (Cornell fund # 0008544). You will receive full credit and recognition for your gift with Cornell including the various giving societies such as the Tower Club and Quadrangle Club. And if you are giving in conjunction with reunion, your gift receives full class credit as well.
- Donating online without a matching gift – this method is quick, safe, and efficient. With our website merchant account, you can securely donate using a credit card or from your PayPal account. Your tax deductible donation only takes a few clicks and will start helping immediately without the hassle of going to the post office or going through additional steps. Our transaction merchant, PayPal, will automatically direct these funds to the Craigielea Educational Fund Inc account and you will receive a receipt for your tax records.
- Donating without a matching gift via mail – this third method is tried and tested and is a great way to support the brotherhood. If you do choose this method, please make checks out to Craigielea Educational Fund Inc and send the to Craigielea Educational Fund Inc., C/O Tim O’Connor, 511 Lake Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06605. You will receive a letter/receipt for this tax deductible donation.
We also know that sometimes, making smaller, automated monthly donations can often be far more manageable than making a single larger annual donation. We have you covered! You can now set up automatic monthly gifts simply and safely using PayPal in addition to our other one time gift options!
Please click on one of the following donation options to get started:
Donate with a matching gift Donate without a matching gift Automated Recurring Donations
If you are interested in Planned Giving or donating through IRA’s or Donor Advised funds, please contact the our alumni Treasurer (Tim O’Connor – to coordinate as needed.
No matter how you choose to donate, the brotherhood is eternally grateful for whatever you are willing and able to give.
Thank you!